
What is the implication of「Heisei」period?

-We Postponed problems and let people fail
  “Heisei is the period that we refuse to recognize reality.  We spend a bunch of subsidy and effort to postpone problems.”

  「Heisei-shi」, written by Oguma Eiji and other describe how Japan’s social structure transformed in recent 20 years. They consolidated these history in 6 angles: politics, city and local, social welfare, education, information, and international environment and nationalism. 

  Oguma’s perspective is that there are two worlds in Japan in terms of social welfare. On the one hand, government employees, big companies and famers live in Corporate-Statist world. On the other hand, non-regular employee, especially women and young worker live in Liberal world. In that case, welfare system become stiff as well as gap between rich and poor will become bigger.

  According to Andersen, there are three main types of welfare state.
 1.      Liberal (ex. USA): Value on individual responsibility and social welfare will be offered in market.
 2.      Corporate-Statist (ex. Germany): Family, company and local region protect worker and their family.
 3.      Social democratic (ex. Sweden): Government provide social welfare as standard human right.

  Yuko Iijima described about “young homeless” in her recent book. Most of them are in their 20’s and 30’s.  These “young homeless” people are the one of the ramification of structural change during Heisei period. What’s worse, this is not exceptional case.

  We have been hesitated to face the fact that we cannot get back previous Japan during rapid economic growth because both enternal and internal conditions have changed. However, we should recognize results which were happened in Heisei period.



 これはアンダーセンによる福祉レジームの3類型である。自由主義レジーム(アメリカ):自由主義と個人責任を重視する。 社会民主主義レジーム(北欧):基本的権利として全員保障がなされる。保守主義レジーム(独仏、南欧);家族・企業・労組・地域など共同体を重視する。



[小熊英二編著.『平成史』.河出書房新社, (2012),p82]

[飯島裕子.『若者ホームレス』.筑摩書房, (2011)]
[工藤啓.『大卒だって無職になる “はたらく”につまずく若者たち』.エンターブレイン,(2012)]
[山下祐介.『限界集落の真実 過疎の村は消えるか』.筑摩書房, (2012), 214p]

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